Friday, November 6, 2009

Shuster statement on October job report

“Mr. President and Speaker Pelosi, the American people don’t want government-run healthcare, they want a job!” – Rep. Bill Shuster

Congressman Bill Shuster released the following statement after the Department of Labor released its October jobs report, which showed the national unemployment rate has increased to 10.2 percent, or 190,000 jobs lost last month. For yet another month, the economy continues to keep pace with the highest national unemployment rate since April 1983:
“Mr. President and Speaker Pelosi, the American people don’t want government-run healthcare, they want a job. American workers don’t want a massive energy tax, they want financial stability. Are you listening?

As we enter the holiday months, American families across the nation are coming to grips with new reports of rising unemployment and lackluster economic growth. President Obama’s estimate of jobs “saved or created” by the stimulus have been found to have been disastrously overestimated and Speaker Pelosi continues to actively ignore the economic warning signs ahead.

To make matters worse, the House is poised to vote this weekend on a trillion dollar healthcare plan that will severely impact small businesses and their employees by raising taxes and insurance premiums on those who can least afford them.

The people of the 9th district and their fellow Americans across this nation want to know why Congress is focused on Speaker Pelosi’s plan to take over healthcare and impose a major energy tax through cap and trade instead of focusing their attention on an economic plan that could create jobs. I saw this concern yesterday as thousands of regular Americans took to the Capitol to demand real action to halt the mismanaged government Speaker Pelosi is presiding over.

I continue to join my House Republican colleagues and a growing majority of the American people in standing for real solutions that will help create jobs, instill fiscal sanity in Washington and lower healthcare costs.”

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