Friday, July 31, 2009

Government to suspend "Cash for Clunkers" program

Top story on Drudge this morning is that the government is canceling the "Cash for Clunkers" program because it is running out of money. Demand is too great and the $1 billion that was expected to last until November lasted all of six days.

The quote of the day on this story comes from the Drudge story and it fits the Administration's miscalculation of the clunkers program to a tee:

"If they can't administer a program like this, I'd be a little concerned about my health insurance," car salesman Rob Bojaryn said.

More as this develops.


  1. Looks like the Senate is perfectly happy enough to continue the program and has funded it to continue for at least the next 3 months. Apparently the Democratically lead Senate IS able to administer a program like this, and will probably be able to also handle Health insurance as well.

  2. The government is always good at throwing away other people's money. There is a difference between throwing more money at an invented problem and MANAGING one-sixth of the US economy. When it comes time to manage any program, government bureaucracy will get in its own way. Take a look at the chart Rep. Shuster has placed on his blog page!
