Friday, July 31, 2009
Government to suspend "Cash for Clunkers" program
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Healthcare Tele-Town Hall
UPDATED: Censoring Congress

July 29, 2009, 1:23 p.m.By Jennifer BenderyRoll Call StaffHouse Republicans on Wednesday filed a resolution that blasts Democrats for preventing GOP Members from sending constituents a mailing that criticizes the majority’s health care proposal.The resolution cites the “failure of the Democratic Members of the Franking Commission to ensure that the Commission’s Democratic staff carries out its important responsibilities in a professional, fair, and impartial manner.”The dispute centers on a GOP chart that illustrates the organization of the Democratic health care plan with a convoluted maze of government offices and programs. Republicans are pressing to use taxpayer dollars to mail the chart to constituents, but their request continues to be reviewed by the franking commission.“The Democrats’ plan would mean more bureaucracy, more taxes, more mandates, more government involvement in your life and fewer jobs in this struggling economy. They’re trying to restrict Members of Congress from showing it to their constituents, and that’s just wrong,” House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said.“I think the American people deserve the truth, and that’s why this resolution is important,” Boehner said.Democrats maintain that sending out the chart as official mail would violate House rules because the information is misleading. Rules for franked mail bar Members from using taxpayer-funded mail for newsletters that use “partisan, politicized or personalized” comments to criticize legislation or policy.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Reckless rush to reform - Floor Speech
Monday, July 27, 2009
Rushing Healthcare Reform is Reckless
Congressman Shuster submitted an op-ed on healthcare reform to papers throughout the 9th district. Over the weekend, the Altoona Mirror, the Chambersburg Public Opinion and the Indiana Gazette all ran his piece. In case you missed it, Shuster's op-ed can be read in its entirety below:
In Washington, the president and his Democrat majority in Congress are pushing a massive overhaul of our nation's health care system at breakneck speed.
Unfortunately it is becoming clearer by the day that the health care debate is dangerously close to careening out of control and the risk of doing serious harm to the health of our families and our economy is very real.
Eighty-five percent of Americans are happy with their current health care coverage. Reform must address the 15 percent who are uninsured or underinsured.
However, forcing the 255 million people happy with their current coverage into a government-run system and destroying the entire framework of health care in America is not the way to provide coverage for the 46 million uninsured.
The government-run health care plan proposed by Democrats in Congress would place Washington bureaucracy between you and your physician.
What does government-run healthcare mean to you? Delayed treatment, no choice in doctors, lack of accountability and no guarantee that personal medical needs will be met are all real possibilities
The numbers are staggering. President Barack Obama's plan would cost more than $1 trillion and increase our debt by $239 billion. More than $800 billion in tax increases would be necessary to pay for the massive bureaucracies that would administer the government-run plan.
Even the director of the Congressional Budget Office, a Democratic appointee, said this health care plan was "unsustainable" and does not control costs.
But the most critical number is zero. Zero is the amount of real choice and control patients will have over their own health care in a government-run plan.
We don't need to go far to see the failings of government-run health care. Just look at England and Canada.
In Canada, the average wait for a 65-year-old man to get a hip replacement is six months.
The survival rate for breast cancer in England's universal health care system is 75 percent.
One in four breast cancer patients in England do not survive. By contrast, women have a 98 percent breast cancer survival rate in America today.
My prescriptions for health care reform are simple.
I agree that we must make health care coverage affordable for all Americans. Second, coverage should be owned and controlled by those most affected by the system - the patients, not government.
I support reforms that ensure every American has the ability to get the medical care they need, when they need it, at a cost they can afford.
We must eliminate waste, fraud, abuse and pass medical lawsuit reform.
Any reform must allow for direct patient choice of doctors and insurance, and it must protect the doctor-patient relationship.
This is a defining moment. Obama proposed a sweeping set of reforms that will forever change the way we receive health care in America.
The president called for a rush to complete health care reform by August, but this is no time for arbitrary deadlines and a legislative process closed to opposing views.
Health care reform must be developed in a bipartisan, transparent fashion. Our very health depends on it.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
The ugly truth of healthcare reform
The true impact of the Democrats' health care plan = $239 billion in deficit spending

- According to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the Democrats’ health care proposal includes over $1 trillion in new spending between now and 2019.
- The plan includes more than $820 billion in job-killing tax increases on small businesses and families making as little as $18,700 per year over the next decade.
- But even these massive new taxes aren’t enough to pay for the Democrats’ plan.
- CBO found the Democrats’ plan will increase the federal deficit by $239 billion over the next 10 years. What the Democrats don’t tell you is that the bill is not fully implemented until 2015, hiding the true costs and deficit impact of this government takeover of health care.
- As the graph below shows,if the Democrats' health care spending continues at those rates, it could cause a massive spike in the federal deficit – reaching as high as $1.6 trillion over the next 20 years.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The economy has been rescued?
CBO expresses doubts about health care savings
Reckless rush on healthcare
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Video - Where are the Jobs?
Monday, July 20, 2009
"A Trillion Here a Trillion There"
Friday, July 17, 2009
UPDATED: Congressman Shuster on Missile Defense
10:40am: Shuster's blog post at Heritage has also been cross-posted on The Hill's Congress Blog here
Morning Must Reads
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Shuster's small business experience profiled in Politico

Check out the Politico's profile "Lawmaking is not so different from selling cars" by Anne Schroeder Mullins here.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A year ago today....
Today marks the one year anniversary of the lifting of the Presidential moratorium on offshore drilling on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS). President Bush lifted the moratorium during the height of the energy crisis, during which time Americans saw record-high prices at the pump. The President and Republicans in Congress recognized the need for increased domestic exploration and drilling to lower our dependence on foreign oil. Unfortunately, President Obama has continued to block new drilling and exploration by delaying a new five-year leasing plan that would allow access to new energy resources on the OCS and create over a million new jobs. It is Congressman Shuster's hope that as we continue to see our energy prices increase, the President and Democrats in Congress will recognize the need for increased domestic production and stop blocking access to new energy resources.
Morning Must Reads

Monday, July 13, 2009
Morning Must Reads

Friday, July 10, 2009
Shuster Staff to Hold Office Hours in Somerset County Tuesday
Thursday, July 9, 2009
In the wake of the "stimulus," unemployment grows
"Today’s unemployment insurance benefit claims data from the U.S. Department of Labor reveals another record number of Americans collecting unemployment insurance (UI) benefits. The almost 9 million currently collecting UI benefits is an increase of 1 million from the level before the so-called stimulus bill. This counts the 6 million receiving State UI benefits (payable for up to six months) and the almost 3 million collecting Federal UI benefits (payable for up to another 12 months). The current total of 8.9 million unemployed workers collecting UI benefits in the week ending June 20, 2009 – the most recent week of complete data – is triple the number (2.9 million) who collected UI benefits just one year ago."

We've Changed!

What cap and trade means to homeowners - it's not pretty
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Results of the cap and trade blog poll
Democrat Healthcare Reform by the Numbers

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
New Web video - where are those stimulus jobs?
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Shuster statement on June unemployment numbers
Congressman Bill Shuster released the following statement after the Department of Labor released its June jobs report, that showed unemployment increased to 9.5 percent, and a loss of 467,000 jobs:
“Today’s unemployment report once again shows that continuing down the path of reckless spending, higher taxes and uncontrolled debt will not grow our economy or create jobs.
Instead of changing course to work with Republicans to forge a pro-growth agenda, the Democrats in Congress are repeating the same failed policies that in the past led to stagnant growth and high unemployment. Today’s economy is quickly beginning to look like it did the last time Democrats held a supermajority in Congress during the Carter Administration.
The answer to runaway unemployment is not a massive energy tax on all Americans, record levels of government spending and the threat of a middle class tax hike to pay for government run rationed healthcare. House Republicans continue to fight for a different kind of stimulus plan; an agenda that puts the American people back in the driver’s seat of our economy by encouraging investment, cutting taxes and letting America’s families and small businesses keep more of what they earn.”
FISCAL TIMELINE, 2009 (Office of the House Republican Whip)
· February 13, 2009: Democrat House passes $787 billion stimulus without Republican input.
· February 17, 2009: $787 billion stimulus signed by President Obama.
· February 23, 2009: Bipartisan budget summit (Total debt outstanding: $10.839 trillion).
· March 24, 2009: Presidential prime time news conference (Total debt outstanding: $11.046 trillion)
· April 20, 2009: Presidential $100 million savings announcement (Total debt outstanding: $11.189 trillion).
· April 29, 2009: House passes irresponsible $3.6 trillion budget.
· End of April, 2009: Administration bails out Chrysler.
· May 7, 2009: President submits savings proposal of .5% of the budget (Total debt outstanding: $11.256 trillion).
· End of May, 2009: Administration purchases GM (approx $50-$70 Billion).
· June 4, 2009: House Republicans propose $375 billion in common-sense taxpayer savings.
· June 15, 2009: CBO announces that the Kennedy-Dodd Govt. Healthcare bill would cost more than $1.3 trillion over ten years.
· June 16, 2009: House Democrats pass $100.9 billion Supplemental spending bill, plus $108 billion in “loans” to the International Monetary Fund.
· June 23,24,25, 2009: U.S. Treasury forced to auction a record $104 billion in Treasury notes to cope with America’s debt obligations.
· June 26: Speaker Pelosi brings cap & tax legislation - that will cost millions of jobs and impose a crippling energy tax upon working families - before House of Representatives.
· July 2: Unemployment rate in U.S. reaches 9.5% after 467,000 jobs lost in June.